
Hypoxemia and Hypoxia - You are in Danger within Minutes

Hypoxemia is condition in which the oxygen level in the blood becomes low. This low quantity of oxygen saturation in blood means that your body’s required levels of oxygen cannot be met, which can result in severe damage to the body parts that face this deficiency. Once the symptoms start to show up, the body can be affected within minutes. The parts which are at most risk are the brain and liver. The condition of low oxygen in body tissues is called Hypoxia. Under Hypoxia, the body’s needs are left unfulfilled, which leads to damage or deterioration.

As soon as you experience any symptom of Hypoxemia or Hypoxia, call for Emergency Medical Services without any delay. Any delay can lead to regrettable damage to the body.

Symptoms of Hypoxia
Symptoms of Hypoxia include:
1. The skin color changes. It may turn cherry red or blue.
2. The person will not be able to make sense of their surroundings and may feel confused.
3. Coughing.
4. The heart beat would increase and will become very fast.
5. The person starts to breathe rapidly or runs short of breath.
6. This is accompanied with wheezing and whistling sounds.
7. The victims start sweating excessively.

Causes of Hypoxia
One of the most common causes of Hypoxia is an asthma attack which narrows down the airways, restricting the normal inhalation of oxygen. This, in turn, causes low levels of blood oxygen saturation. The condition gets even worse when the patient coughs to clear their lungs. This process consumes more oxygen which decreases the already shallow presence of oxygen in blood. Chronic lung diseases also cause Hypoxia. Anemic people also have Hypoxia due to the lack of red blood cells in their body that carry oxygen through the blood stream. People having heart diseases or under medication through drugs often develop Hypoxia symptoms as well. It is also common to find Hypoxia being caused under conditions of Pneumonia and Sleep Apnea.

How to Treat Hypoxia
The best option, other than treatment, is to prevent it from happening in the first place. If one suffers from Asthma, make sure your condition doesn’t get worse. Stay away from possible inflammatory objects or places that can trigger your Asthma. Follow the treatment plan for Asthma religiously and keep a check on your diet as well.

However, it is not possible to always avoid Asthma attacks or any condition that leads to Hypoxemia. In such situations, don’t waste a moment and contact your doctor or call for help immediately. It is a condition that requires immediate professional medical attention.

Try to avoid factors that lead to or worsen chronic respiratory diseases. Take smoking for instance; it can worsen the symptoms if a person who has Asthma falls victim to Hypoxemia. Quit smoking as soon as you can if you have Asthma, COPD or any other respiratory or lung disease. Try to avoid passive smoking as well. Recheck your eating habits and maintain an active lifestyle. Remaining sedentary can worsen the symptoms too. Exercising will help as well and will keep you healthy.

Keep a pulse oximeter with you at all times and keep a check on your blood oxygen saturation level and heart rate. It is very helpful to quickly detect any alarming or abnormal changes.